Saturday, March 12, 2011

And it goes a little something like this

Testing... testing... *taps microphone* is this thing on?

Ah, there.

In case you're wondering, this is my blog site. Well, not totally, mine, but this blog page is... at least. It has been 25 years, 2 months, 17 days and counting. I've been in this planet for that long now, and what? This is the first time that I'm actually writing a blog. There are lots of things that I need to write so that I may be able to share a piece of my mind with others.

This first post is actually an introduction of some sort where I can put random stuff in it, just wait... just wait... 

See? The first few paragraphs alone are so random, that even I myself can't figure out what I wrote there. I think I want to say something about my self. Nah. I'm too lazy to even say anything as of this moment. Then why make a blog page you say? Because I feel like making one. 

Refer to the previous line for more info, and then back here. Okay okay... back to reality. I'm not here at the office. Yep, I cyber slack, because I don't have anything to do at this moment, nothing at this moment at least. My job here is like staying at an island, waiting for a ship to pass by so that I can be rescued. Hmm, I think that's overrated. Let's say I'm walking down the street, looking for something interesting to check out, and when I see something, I lose interest, yeah, that's more like it. That's probably what I am doing at this very moment.

I don't know if I'm still making sense.

Have you ever felt like going to work, and the very moment you step into the bathroom to take a shower, you realize that it's Friday (here in Saudi Arabia, Friday is our weekend; where in most countries, Saturday is the start of the weekend). Yeah, it happened to me before. I was like, "Oh well... I will take a shower today anyways, might as well shower early in the morning." Just the same, we do tend to realize that the routine we are used to really gets into our system, that we no longer act like humans.

Robots you say? Machines, programs, and things, designed to perform a specific task, repeatedly, until it breaks down or repaired during maintenance. Yes, sooner or later, people will act like robots at a certain part of their lives. This might be common to those people who do office jobs, which tend to take 8 - 12 hours of their daily lives facing the computer, working on paper, and gathering information throughout the planet as to what went first, the chicken or the egg.

It gets frustrating on how we need to earn money just to have a decent living in this planet. Since when did this planet have value? I mean, in a monetary kind of perspective. If you would refer to the Bible (I don't mean to be spiritual) this planet was given to us by God (for free). But then again, people invented this thing called "money"; from then on, everything had a price tag, even sperm cells. Seriously... even those things.

But let's focus on the topic, because the previous paragraphs will be shown in a different blog post (maybe). I'm gonna use this blog site as an outlet, a part of me that only a few can see.
So here goes nothing. Just enjoy the ride and welcome to my blog site.

-Zeze over and out.

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